Success Favors the Fold. Oru Kayaks is putting kayaks in the trunk.

November 28, 2018
Influence 100 Authorities
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Surfing for out of the box business ideas for Influence is pretty well one of the best ways to spend an early summer work morning.

Today I tripped onto Oru Kayaks and their brilliant foldable, floatable and undeniably adorable kayaks. As a small "a" Adventurer this cool invention went straight to the top of my wishlist. As the Editor-in-Chief of Influence Magazine my business side told me this was a product I had to give a shout out to.

Here's the information you need to a) Be humbled by awesome human innovation and ideas and b) Add a little wildnerness into your weekend without having to strap a kayak on top of your car.

About Oru Kayak in the words of Oru:


Oru Kayaks can go just about anywhere—all thanks to origami. Going from box to boat takes just minutes. On the water they’re lightweight, sturdy and durable. 

Who's behind Oru Kayaks and why do they do what they do?

...We’re building a business, but our real goal is to change how people connect with the water. We have lofty goals, but we’re also a bunch of fun-loving makers and doers. We work in old auto-body shop in San Francisco, with friendly dogs and foggy rooftop happy hours. The Bay and the Ocean are both a short hop away —we can surf the Pacific in a Coast Kayak in the morning, and head to a Giants game in a Beach Kayak in the afternoon. We come from all around the world and we’re proud to have an atmosphere of openness and acceptance.


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