Jeff Lavin, Former Pro Athlete, CEO, Founder, Motivational Speaker and an Influence 100 Authority

March 17, 2020
Influence 100 Authorities
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Jeff Lavin is a guy who regularly defied gravity and wowed crowds at international snowboarding events. That in itself is pretty fantastic but the fact that he's transformed his life as a professional athlete into helping other people reach their highest highs, well, I knew I had to share his story and add him to my list of Influence 100 Authorities. I invite you to read about Jeff, what makes him tick and to find out about his amazing work with The Influencer Academy. Enjoy a glimpse into the life of Jeff and if you're inspired, get in touch with him and then let me know what new heights you achieve!

Sharon Ricci,

Editor-in-Chief and Founder of Influence

Tell me what you're an Authority at...

Helping you find your purpose as it aligns with your passions.

The Background Story

What city, country were you born in?

I was born in Janesville WI, then later moved to Maine in my late teens. It’s what gave me the inspiration for my snowboarding line: WI-ME. 

Where did you spend the majority of your childhood? How did this place make you who you are?

I spent the majority of my childhood on the ski and snowboard hill. This led to me becoming a world class snowboard athlete and traveling the world. Snowboarding gave me life, and inspired me to always push my limits and progress.

Where do you live now?

Beautiful Lake Tahoe! 


I have an amazing niece and nephew, along with lots of crazy friends. It’s amazing to go anywhere in the country and people say welcome back home or welcome back. 

Your Superpower?

Doing gravity defying stunts off anything. Then being the connector, whether it’s one on one, on stage connecting and redirecting, or connecting people to each other, or information.

What key events or memories changed the course of your life? Were there any driving factors that make you who you are today?

Traveling at a young age, having two serious accidents one at 14 the other at 18. Coming back from those stronger. Then leaving my home state at 18-19 opened up my eyes to how big this world is.

Do you have or have you had a mentor? Who is/was it and what do they bring to your life?

I’ve been blessed to have been mentored by some amazing people. First all my teachers that dared me to do more like Roger Hanson, and more. In the snowboard industry I owe a debt of gratitude to Smokin Jay for his inspiration. 

I worked with the businessman Matt Timberlake and watched him scale his company then sell i which taught me some very valuable lessons. When it comes to my professional speaking career, my friend John Maxwell was instrumental in helping me gain my foundational skills. And with network marketing I owe Eric Worre gratitude for his guidance.  Others like Nikola Tesla, and JFK;  I haven’t met in person but have been forever changed by watching their progress.    

Do you consider yourself a mentor? If yes, what is the most important thing you can share with someone seeking guidance?

I’ve mentored a few people. For anyone seeking guidance, finding someone that’s a good fit with you is the most important. The other thing is to make sure they have had that success and experience, been there done that. They can share the blueprint with you, and help connect with people, knowledge, and ideas. Most important don’t be afraid to ask. What’s the worst they can say, no?

100 years from now how would you like to be remembered (in your professional life)?

I used to think as an athlete when I retired that that was it, you die twice because that’s how we identify ourselves. But then I realized you die when the last person speaks good about your name. My faith goes beyond religion and theology, this is not optional. My faith demands that I do whatever I can, wherever I can, whenever I can, for as long as I can, with whatever I have to try and make a difference. 



Favorite Quote or Mantra?

When passion and purpose meet together you’re truly unstoppable. 

What do you consider to be some of the highlights of your career so far?

I’ve had so many amazing highlights from being a world class athlete doing some of the first double inverted aerials then receiving awards for industrial design in sporting goods to speaking about company culture at a leadership summit in Croatia. 

The biggest highlight though was going all in with everything we had with our brand to help our team manager, colleague and friend fight his battle was cancer. 

What are you looking forward to professionally? What are you excited about?

I’m looking forward to this decade and speaking on more stages and hosting our first Influencer Academy live event. Most importantly I look forward to making a title wave impact with this program. It’s the evolution that will spark the revolution. This will level the playing field and help so many people. 

Tell me about your business.

WI-ME is snowboards and accessories. We realized our biggest success in metrics was our customers sharing their stories within our stories. So we decided to pay them with our affiliate platform.

Influencer Academy is a membership based specially for network and afflatus marketers building automated systems for themselves and their teams. Our programs and courses range from do it yourself to done with you, where we coach you one on one how to build your system, and done for you where we build it all. We also have the autobahn of rapid decollation and success for teams. In addition we have events we’re planning, as well as coaching for those looking to take that 6 figure leap and go for the 7 figure income.

Who do you work with?

Network and Affiliate Marketers

Who do you love to work with? What kind of client?

The ideal client is the one that’s just getting started or the one that is stuck and needs help getting beyond that road block.

What makes you and your business unique compared to your competitors?

Our entry point is reasonable. 

Title of your speech?

Above And Beyond



Summary of the speech?

Above And Beyond is taking all the negativity we experience in our personal lives, all the setbacks, anything we experience and transforming it or applying it to create positivity with some amazing story telling. 

Was there a reason you originally wrote the speech? A driving force or a compelling life story?

It’s my life story, everything I’ve experienced for adversity and perseverance as an athlete and entrepreneur.

What are the key takeaways your audience will get from your speech? 

Impossible is possible once you remove the IM to make it possible

Go the extra in ordinary to become extraordinary 

How to transform their excesses and create success.

Practice, patience, and perseverance builds belief, and belief is what it takes to conquer fear. On the other side of fear is freedom.

What character traits have been most important in getting to where you are today?

Values, Virtues, and Integrity.

What is one thing you know for sure?

Stay passionate, don’t give up on your dreams, mute the naysayers, surround yourself with amazing people and you can make it happen with all out massive action. 

What are you grateful for?

For my community, my family and my friends, all those that have helped me get this far. I couldn’t have done it without them.

The Style behind your Success.

Jeans or Khakis?


Watch or play sports?

Put me in coach! 



Coffee, beer or wine?


Feet up on the desk or flat on the floor?

Feet up, and a nice view of the beach or mountains. 

Vacation close to home or across the world?

Across the world.



Beach or ski resort?

I know you’d probably think of a ski resort…. But bring on those tasty waves, or Heli trip in AK for snow.

Plane, train, ship or automobile?

Plane, that I’m flying! 

Your weekend: Plan every moment or wing it?

Wing it 100%

How can people connect with you Jeff?






Instagram   @Theshredneck


Twitter   @JeffLavin

YouTube Channel:

Watch Jeff's video:

Email:   or

Phone Number:   207-860-0337

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