George Ayee: The sherpa for transformation and change.

George Ayee, President and CEO Transformation4Change
What caught our eye?



I use my talent, potential, and experience to release champions and inspire each one to greatness. I am driven to leave everyone I meet with a desire for advancement while inspiring them to be more, do more, and give more. After working together my clients are on their journey of change and transformation.

Lesson Learned

Help people get what they want and you will get what you want.

Magic Moment

Spoke to the board of directors of a very successful financial institution owning various businesses which gave me a contract to work with the group of companies for couple of years.


Change and Transformation

George Ayee: The sherpa for transformation and change.

Transformation and change can make even the most fearless professional suddenly feel rudderless and without a compass. Change cannot be avoided, but with the right guide we can navigate the rough waters of change and transformation and come out stronger and on a brand new path to success and happiness. George Ayee is one of those guides and he was chosen as an Influence Magazine 100 Authority for his ability to work 1:1 with clients during some of the most stressful but exciting times of their careers.


Accra, Ghana


Calgary, Alberta, Canada


Kids, Grandkids, Wife.

Work Motto: 

The best way to predict your future is to create it

Something you're doing now that would surprise your 20 year old self: 

Building a business to inspire millions and change lives.

Your favorite part of the work day?

I am a early riser and therefore I am most productive early in the morning

The Quick 411


Helping businesses and individuals go through change and transformation faster and successfully

At the very heart of it

Helping businesses and individuals go through change and transformation faster and successfully

If the business was a movie

Rebirth (It's a Wonderful Life)

Belief in a few words

Facilitating businesses and individuals to go through change and transformation faster for maximum results

5 stand out characteristics

Receiving my Doctorate
Working as a consultant and trainer
Providing consulting and training for Banks, NGOs, Government, International Development Agencies, several for-profit companies in various countries
Best Selling Author, The Power to Have it All - The DNA for Massive Success; Design the Life You Want - Live the Life You Imagine and co-authored book with Brian Tracy - Cracking the Code to Success
Set up a Business Transformation and Change Management Office for an integrated Oil and Gas Company, and speaking engagements on change and transformation

Important Partners That Helped Along the Way

Getting More Story Behind the Story


George pushes people to think better think deeper and differently.

What George does for fun:

Reading, walking, listening to audio books, inspiring people

Jeans or Khakis? 


Watch or play sports?

Play sports

Coffee, beer or wine? 


Feet up on the desk or flat on the floor? 

Flat on the floor

Vacation close to home or across the world? 

Across the world

Beach or ski resort? 


Plane, train, ship or automobile? 


His weekend: Plan every moment or wing it? 

Plan every moment

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