Parenting with love is easier with Page Olson in your corner.

Page Olsen, Founder The Olsen Method
What caught our eye?
Page H Olson LLC/The Olson Method
Raising successful kids



I believe each of us are born biologically wired as a unique one-of-a-kind individual

Lesson Learned

Product sales presentation and actual product construction for consumption rarely match

Magic Moment

I am not sure there has been one "magic moment" there have been many smaller "aha" building moments



Parenting with love is easier with Page Olson in your corner.

Industry: Mentoring / Speaking

Scouted For: Raising successful kids

Location: Seattle, Washington USA



Seattle, Washington USA


Seattle, Washington USA



Highest Honor Received: 

Boy Scouting - District Award of Merit;  Best Selling Author - Quilly Award

Work Motto: 

What a child wants more than anything else is to be understood

Something you're doing now that would surprise your 20 year old self: 

Publicly speaking out - fighting my introverted nature

Your favorite part of the business day: 

Moving parents from fear to understanding


The Quick 411

The Olson Method

Group and one-on-one mentoring for parents

At the very heart of it

Group and one-on-one mentoring for parents

If the business was a movie

Quest (The Lord of the Rings)

Belief in a few words

What matters most is understanding and connecting to self

5 stand out characteristics

Medio-Legal Investigator - I learned about my investigative strengths
My Children - I learned about the power of emotional connection, and seeking to understand first
Tutoring math - I learned that we all engage with numbers differently, and I learned the importance of using one's interest to help teach concepts
Best selling Author - Co-authoring a book with Brian Tracy, titled "Success Manifesto"
Working with RedFishViral - Re-branding and a new website

Important Partners That Helped Along the Way

Getting More Story Behind the Story


You challenge norms and uncover new paths for people

What I do for fun!

Antique shopping, hiking, jigsaw puzzles and reading.

Jeans or Khakis? 

Neither - skirts

Watch or play sports?

Watch now

Coffee, beer or wine? 

None of the above - tea

Feet up on the desk or flat on the floor? 

Feet up on desk

Vacation close to home or across the world? 

Depends - tracing genealogy, taking in history and visiting high mountains valleys

Beach or ski resort? 

Mountains - not resort

Plane, train, ship or automobile? 

Auto, train, plane

Your weekend: Plan every moment or wing it? 

Some planning and then wing it

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Static and dynamic content editing

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