Doors open when Linjie Chou Zanadu shows you the town.

Linjie Chou Zanadu, Strategic Coach, CEO and Best-Selling Author
What caught our eye?
Zeus Nova International
International Promoter and Publicist



Lesson Learned

Magic Moment



Doors open when Linjie Chou Zanadu shows you the town.

Like every Influence 100, Linjie was scouted and hand selected by our Editorial team. What caught our eye about Linjie? For starters, a White House presentation, Best-Selling Author status and his unique vision for promoting worthy experts. We caught up to Linjie in Los Angeles to capture this Spotlight Feature to share a glimpse of the story behind the success.

Industry: Public Relations

Scouted For: Image Building

Location: Los Angeles, California USA


Linjie Chou Zanadu  
Strategic Coach, CEO, Best-Selling Author 

Shanghai, China ​ 

Los Angeles, California ​USA

Highest Honor 
Presidential Call to Service signed by President Obama ​ 

Guiding motto 
You have to try the impossible to achieve the possible ​ 

20 year-old self would be surprised... 
Building a platform called "International Council of Civilization and Peace" ​ 

Favorite part of business day 
Meeting different, interesting people

The Quick 411

Zeus Nova International

Image Management and Cultural Promotion Strategy

At the very heart of it

Image Management and Cultural Promotion Strategy

If the business was a movie

Rebirth (It's a Wonderful Life)

Belief in a few words

Offering unique opportunities for image growth for personalities by linking them with frontiers of culture, arts and more.

5 stand out characteristics

Lived in dozens of countries, which has influenced my world view
Studied cross-cultural communication on a PhD level
Coached/mentored by a former UNESCO diplomat about Public diplomacy while helping campaign for the Presidential election in Sierra Leone 2012
Introduced by Vatican associate to organize promotion for a European prince
Still yet to come!

Important Partners That Helped Along the Way

Getting More Story Behind the Story


Explorer mentors challenge norms and uncover new paths for people

What I do for fun!

Antique shopping, volunteering, writing, and discovering new restaurants and cafes

Jeans or Khakis? 


Watch or play sports?


Coffee, beer or wine? 


Feet up on the desk or flat on the floor?

Feet on the desk

Vacation close to home or across the world?

Across the world

Beach or ski resort? 


Plane, train, ship or automobile?


Your weekend: Plan every moment or wing it?

Wing it

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