Leadership Lessons from NASA Mission Control. Meet Joe.

Joe Koronowski, Leadership Strategist, Formerly NASA Master Control
What caught our eye?
321 Launch Your Life



I believe there is a leader in all of us! However, we seek to master what others feel we may be good at. We pay little attention to uncovering what we are really great at as we rush through life comparing our success to others.

Lesson Learned

The culture of corporate upper management requires a survival skillset that I have not learned.

Magic Moment

My first TEDx Talk; the crew said I nailed! The TED crew said I was the most influential speaker!



Leadership Lessons from NASA Mission Control. Meet Joe.

Industry: Inspirational Speaker, Transformational Coaching, Leadership Workshops, Former NASA Mission Control Manned Space Flight Operations for the International Space Station.

Scouted For: Uncovering your Internal Leader

Location: Friendswood (Houston), Texas USA

Websites: www.321LaunchYourLife.com


Utica, New York USA


Friendswood (Houston), Texas USA


Beautiful friends, amazing international peers, my Nieces and the new friends I have not met YET...

Highest Honor Received: 

My Life - I caught on fire at 9 years old and could have died

Work Motto: 

You always choose! Choose to be the change you wish to see in your world!

Something you're doing now that would surprise your 20 year old self: 

Leaving NASA and now I am a professional Speaker and Transformational Coach

Your favorite part of the business day: 

Starting my day - I love taking a cold shower, enjoying my coffee/ smoothie and my time at the gym

The Quick 411

321 Launch Your Life

Leadership Workshops, Coaching, Keynote Speaking

At the very heart of it

Leadership Workshops, Coaching, Keynote Speaking

If the business was a movie

Rags to Riches (Cinderella, Charles Dickens, Trading Places)

Belief in a few words

I am a Leadership Strategist. Refocusing from what's preventing to laser in on what's possible!

5 stand out characteristics

Almost failing out of Texas A&M
Building and racing a solar powered car across the USA while at Texas A&M
Getting hired at NASA in Mission Control to build and operate the International Space Station
Leaving NASA and then being hired in the oil industry with no experience
Becoming a Professional Speaker

Important Partners That Helped Along the Way

Getting More Story Behind the Story


Joe likes to tell it like it is to help someone grow or pivot

What I do for fun!

Writing, rock climbing, fishing and functional art furniture creation.

Jeans or Khakis? 


Watch or play sports?

Play - no armchair here!

Coffee, beer or wine? 

Yes please! Dark coffee, dark beer AND Water!!

Feet up on the desk or flat on the floor? 

Flat on the floor - my grounded presence

Vacation close to home or across the world? 

Vacation across the Globe!

Beach or ski resort? 

Both please! But I do prefer the mountains!

Plane, train, ship or automobile? 

Yes to all, but I have never been on a cruise before!

Your weekend: Plan every moment or wing it? 

Plan to enjoy spontaneously and schedule it when required e.g. ball game, movie, trip, meeting with someone

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